In the Service Of Sanathana Dharma

About Guruji

Brahmasri Dr. Madugula Nagaphani Sarma is a scholar who gained mastery of Vedic philosophy, Puranas, Itihasaas, and Spiritual wisdom.

ASP Ashram

Established in 1995 primarily to preserve and spread the wisdom & knowledge of Indian culture and Vedic traditions through literature.

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Brahmasri Dr. Madugula
Nagaphani Sarma

Brahmasri Dr. Madugula  Nagaphani sarma was born to a family of Vedic scholars and poets in the village of kadavakolanu near tadipatri in Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh. From a tender age, dr. Sarma was inclined toward Vedic literature, poetry, and music. Under the tutelage of his father, he quickly gained mastery of Vedic philosophy, Puranas, itihasaas, and spiritual wisdom. He was ignited by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, dr. Sarma rigorously picked up the art of avadhanam. By the age of 14, dr. Sarma has performed his first avadhanam, making him the youngest avadhani in the country.



The remarkable journey of Guruji Dr. Madugula Nagaphani Sarma in the realm of Literature and Avadhanam has reached a significant milestone as he completes 50 years of unparalleled excellence in this ancient art form. Avadhanam, a rare and intellectually demanding literary art that encompasses various dimensions of knowledge, has been Guruji’s passion and life’s mission.
Throughout his illustrious journey, Guruji has displayed unparalleled skills in Avadhanam, captivating audiences with his ability to simultaneously engage in multiple intellectual tasks. His command over various disciplines, linguistic prowess, and quick-wittedness have set new standards in this art.
While his efforts have brought immense glory and grandeur to Avadhanam, he has made this scholarly art accessible to the general public, thus inspiring future generations towards avadhanam, poetry, literature and Indian culture.

He has been a trendsetter in the field of Avadhanam, all present day avadhani’s have participated as budding scholars in Guruji Dr.Sarma’s Avadhanams and were hugely influenced by his performances. He has rejuvenated this art by adding many new dimensions to it and spread it to the general public.
Guruji’s dedication to preserving and propagating Avadhanam has been instrumental in inspiring countless individuals, especially the younger generation, to embrace this ancient art form. His guidance and mentorship have nurtured a new wave of Avadhanam enthusiasts, ensuring the preservation of this unique art form for years to come.


Videos Collection

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Audio Collection

Listen to high-quality audio streaming of orisons and songs by Brahmasri Dr. Madugula Nagaphani Sarma. Indulge in the spiritual bliss to refresh your mind.

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Our Books Collection

Magical Moments


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Service to Society

Dr. Sarma’s Avadhanams, literary works, Pravachanams, and audio creations have significantly contributed to popularizing Avadhanam, Telugu, and Sanskrit languages among the youth. However, his desire to make a broader impact on society led him to undertake various initiatives. With a strong commitment to enriching different sections of society and creating positive transformations, Guruji Dr. Sarma has actively pursued initiatives for the upliftment of the deserving and needy. Here are some of those endeavors

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