Service to Society
Dr. Sarma’s Avadhanams, literary works, Pravachanams, and audio creations have significantly contributed to popularizing Avadhanam, Telugu, and Sanskrit languages among the youth. However, his desire to make a broader impact on society led him to undertake various initiatives. With a strong commitment to enriching different sections of society and creating positive transformations, Guruji Dr. Sarma has actively pursued initiatives for the upliftment of the deserving and needy. Here are some of those endeavors
Aid During COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to the challenges posed by the pandemic, Guruji Dr. Sarma extended his support to the most vulnerable sections of society. He distributed ration kits to over 1000 families and provided financial and material assistance to individuals and organizations dedicated to helping the needy

Ayurvedic Medical Camps
To serve the needy, free Ayurvedic medicalcamps are conducted at the Peetham at regular intervals. Free distribution of medicines is also undertaken
Programs for Students
Guruji Dr. Sarma is dedicated to imparting his invaluable knowledge to the younger generations. Through a diverse array of programs, he aims to benefit them in multiple areas. These include teaching Telugu and Sanskrit language through Padya – Sloka shikshana, memory development technique classes, personality development sessions, and motivational sessions. Students from different sections actively participate in these sessions and gain valuable insights, with competitions held and certificates awarded to recognize their achievements.

Scholarship and Book Distribution
In addition to personally teaching students, Guruji Dr. Sarma supports their education by offering financial assistance. He also promotes learning by distributing books to students regularly, aiming to inspire them to pursue their education with enthusiasm and dedication.
Guruji Dr. Sarma’s frequent Prasad Vitarana – Annadanam initiatives benefit people from all walks of society, providing them with the sacred offering of food.

Guruji Dr. Sarma’s compassionate initiative holds a special place in his heart as he provides shelter and protection to about 100 indigenous cows in the Goshala, ensuring their well-being and care.
Veda Patasala
Under the guidance of Guruji Dr. Sarma, numerous students have received training in Veda Patasala and are now serving in temples both in India and abroad.

Avadhanam is a rare and spontaneous literary art demanding a strenuous mental focus of an intense nature
Audio works
Apart from his literary prowess, Dr. Sarma has been blessed with another rare gift, his melodious voice
Awards and Recognitions
Reflecting the knowledge and expertise of our celebrated Guru Dr Madugula Nagaphani Sarma
Apart from his Avadhanams which have been widely telecast across channels like Doordarchan